Temporary Conditions

 A temporary condition can be an injury or illness (i.e., a concussion, broken bone, or the short-term effects following surgery) that usually lasts less than 8 weeks. These temporary conditions may cause unforeseen barriers that impact your academics and overall Rutgers experience in many ways.

Our goal is to facilitate access to classes and services to aid in your time of need. We recognize that this process can be challenging, and we hope to help. However, it is essential that you take an active role in identifying your needs, engaging with offices, and providing the necessary documentation to help ensure your academic success. If a condition persists past 8 weeks (about 2 months) or becomes chronic, you may be eligible for assistance through the Office of Disability Services.  


Your first step should be to contact each faculty member or teaching assistant to inform them that your condition may be affecting your attendance, engagement and/or academic performance. Based on the course's structure, they may already have strategies to assist you or be able to identify new options. 

If a faculty member requests a Verification Notice for documentation of your condition, please see Absence and Verification Notices.

Note: If you are a graduate student, you are enrolled in a program that may be highly specialized. Because of this, it is crucial to initiate communication with your instructor or department program coordinator about your needs for continued access and engagement in classes. For additional support, you may also want to contact the advising or student services dean for your school. You can find a list of graduate program and school academic deans here.

Academic Strategies

Class Notes

  • Use your smartphone, a tablet digital recorder, or other software (e.g., Livescribe smartpen, OneNote, etc.) to record lectures with the instructor's permission.
  • Ask a friend or another student in your class to borrow their notes.
  • See if your professor is willing to post notes or slides online.

Written or Typed Assignments

  • Ask a friend or family member to write or type for you outside of class. 
  • You may also consider speech-to-text software programs. This technology allows you to speak into the computer through a microphone and the software then converts your speech into written text. 

Course Exams and Quizzes:

  • Instead of using a scantron, mark answers selections directly on exam.
  • Ask your professor, if appropriate, if you can make an appointment with them or a teaching assistant to give oral answers to an exam or lab.
  • For lab related experiments or “hands on” exams, orally describe what you would do, why you would do it, what you observe, etc.
Mobility and Transportation Needs

Rutgers has a Paratransit Service and Accessible Parking, offered through the Department of Transportation Services (DoTS). You will need to submit an electronic Request Form for the type of service you need. Additionally, your medical provider will need to fill out a Certification of Medical Need (also online). The Paratransit Service can have a waiting list if demand is high.

For Accessible Parking, if you have a temporary handicap placard, you can register it with DoTS. You will not need their medical provider to complete the Certification of Medical Need. Please be aware you will need to pay for a Rutgers parking permit if they do not already have one.

Assistive Technology


The use of computers is part of most academic requirements, and some injuries may make it difficult to fulfill requirements.

Dictation software can help those who are struggling to type and write due to their injury

  • Windows platform – click the Window key + H key to open the dictation function
  • Mac platform – go to the Apple menu >System Preferences >Keyboard and select Dictation
  • Chromebook Platform – go to Settings > Manage accessibly setting and turn on Enable Dictation.

Notetaking software apps can help with getting notes when writing is difficult. Important: you should get your professor's permission prior to recording.

Free software
Notes Recorder –free versions of this app can be found in the Microsoft Store and Apple App Store that will turn recordings into text. Voice Notes – free version can be found in the Google Play store.

Additional options with a fee
Note Taking Express - is a service that provides notes from lecture recordings. You can upload a recording from either your smartphone or computer. Typed notes will be returned within 24 hours. You can also upload PowerPoint slides, syllabi, and other course materials that may help the note taker with context, vocabulary, or references. More information can be found at https://notetakingexpress.com/

GLEAN - is an application that can be used from a computer or mobile device for recording lectures. You can embed PDFs to accompany the audio recording. You can also add your own text notes alongside the recording and can highlight sections of the audio for future reference. More information and tutorial videos can be found at www.glean.com.

LiveScribe™ Pens – record both the audio of lectures and your own written notes, and the two are synced for convenient playback. Notes can then be stored and played back in a variety of applications, including Evernote and Google Docs.  More information about the Livescribe pen can be found at www.livescribe.com

Additional Assistance

If you are running into difficulty navigating this process, please complete this form and a member of our staff will contact you.